abacus abandon abandonment abatial abbacy abbess abbey abbott abc's abdicate abele abet abetter abhorrence abiogenesis abject abjection ablative ablative able ablution abnegation abnormal abnormal abolish abominable abominate abomination abort abortive abound abrogate abrupt abscess absidiole absinth absinthomanie absolute absolute monopoly absolution absolve absorb abstain abstinence abstract absynthisme absynthium abundant abuse abusive abut abutment abysm abyss abyss academian academy acanthus accelerate acceleration accent acceptance accept access accessory accident accipitral accipitral acclaim acclimatize accommodate accompany accomplice accomplish accord accordingly accordion accost accoucheur accoutre accoutrement accurate accusative accuse accustom acer acerbate acerb acerbity acetabulum acetic acetone acetyl acetylene achieve achre achromatic achromatic achromaticity achromatin achromatism achromatopsia acid acidify acidimeter acidity acidosis acidulate acidulous acinus acme acne acquire acquisition acreage acre acrida acrid acridid acrilate acrimoniojus acrimony acrobat acrobat acrobatics acrobatics acrocefalus acrocephalia acrocephalic acrochordus acrocyanosis acrocyanosis acrogen acrogenic acrogenous acrolein acromegaly acromion acronym acrophobia acropolis acrostic acrylic act acting actinia actinic actinide actinium actinium actinometer actinomycete actinomycosis actinomycosis actinon actinopterigii actinotherapy actionable action activate active activism activist activity actor actress actual actuarial actuary actuate acuity acumen acupuncture acute adapt adapter add addition address -ade adept adequate adhere adhesion adieu adject adjective adjoin adjourn adjuge adjure adjust adjutant administer administration administrative administrative office administrative unit administrator admiral admiralty admire admission admit admittance admonish adobe adolescent adopt adorable adoration adore Adriatic Sea adsorb adult adulterate adultery advance advantage advent adventive adverb adverbial adversary adverse adversity advertise advocate adz(e) aeralist aerate aerate aeremia aeremia aerial aerobatic aerobic aerobic aerobics aerobics aerodrome aerodynamic aerodyne aerodyne aerogram(me) aerolite aerolite aerolith aerologio aerologist aerologist aerometer aeronautical aeronautics aeronautics aerophagia aerophagy aerophore aeroplane aerosol aerospace aerostat aerostatic aerostatics aesthesia aesthetics afektation affable affair affect affected affectionate affection affective affirm affix afflict affront afghanistan africa aft after aftereffect agacer agate agave age aged agency agenda agent agglomerate agglutinate aggravate aggress aggressive agile agitate agnosticism agonize agony agraf(fe) agraphia agrarian agreeable agrestial Agricola agricultural agriculture agriculture agronomist agronomy Agropyron Agropyrum Agrostemma Agrostis agrostis ague agueweed aids aileron air air airborne airborne airbrush air corridor aircraft airdrome airdrop airfield airfoil airframe airlift airline airliner airlock airman airplane airport airscrew airship airsick airspace airspeed airstream airstrip airtight airwaves airy ajutage akazie akinesia akromegaly alabaster alacrity alanin alarm alarm alarming alarmist albania alb albatros albedo albeit albescent albino albite album albumen albumine albumose alcatraz alchemist alchemy alchemy alcohol alcove aldehyde alder alderman alert alerte alexander Aleyrodoidea alfresco alga algebra algebra algebraic algeria algonkian algonkianly algonkians algonkin algonkins alias alibi alible alienate alien aliment alimony aliquant aliquot aliquot part alkali alkaline alkaloid all all allege allegiance allegory allegory allelomorph allelopathy allergy alleviate alleviation alley alliance alligator alligator alliteration allocution allopath allopathic allopathy allophone allotrophy alloy allude allusion alluvion ally almagest alma mater almanac almandine almond almoner alms alocasia aloe along alopecia alose alpaca alp alphabet alpinia already also altar altar alt alter altercate altercation alter_ego alternate alternating alternative althea althee Althing although altimeter altiplano altitude alto altocumulus altostratus altricial altruism altruistic alum alumina aluminium aluminum alumnus alveolina always amalgam Amanita Amaryllis amas amass amateur amaurosis Amazons ambassador amber ambergris ambiguity ambiguous ambiguous ambit ambition ambitious amble amble Ambon ambrosia ambulacral ambulacrum ambulance ambuscade ambush ambush Amelanchier ameliorate amelioration Amen amend amenity america amethyst amiable amicable amnesia amnesia amnesty amnesty amorous amorphous amorphous ampelopsis creeper amphetamine amphiarthrosis amphibia amphibian amphibians amphibious amphibium amphibole amphibology amphibology amphibrach Amphimallus solstitialis amphioxus amphioxus amphitheater amphora amphoteric ample amplification amplifier amplifier amplify amplify amplitude amputate amuse amyl anachronism anachronistic anaconda anaerobic anaerobic anagram anakinesis analgesia analgesic analogy anamorphosis ananas ancestor anchorage anchor anchorite anchovy ancient anckle and anecdote anemia anemia anemic anemographo anemone aneroid anesthesia anesthesia anesthetic anesthetic anesthetize anesthetize angel angelus anger angina angle at circumference angle angler angry angulous anhydride anhydrite anhydrous anhydrous, waterless animal Animal kingdom animate animosity anise anisocoria anisophygmoa anisotropic anisotrppia annex annotate announce announcement annoyance annoy annual annuity annular Anodonta anomaly anonymous anoxemia antacid antagonism antagonism antagonist antagonistic antagonize antarctic ante antebellum antecede antecede antecedence antecedents antefix ante meridiem antenna anthelion anthology anthology anthropologist anthropologist anthropology anthropomorphic anthropomorphism anthropophagus antiaircraft antibiotic antibiotic antichlor anticipate anticipate anticline anticoagulant antidote antigen antilope antimony antineutrino antinoly antipathy antiphony antiphony antiphrase antipode antipode antipyrine antiquate antiquated antique antirrhinum antisemite antisepsis antistrophe antitartaric antithesis antithesis antithetical antitussant antitussive antivenin anus anvil anxiety apendicitis aperture aphasia aphasia aphelion aphonia aphonia aphorism apiary apiculture Apidae Apis aplomb apod apogee apology aponeurosis apoplectic apoplexy apostle apothem appanage apparel appeal appearance appear appease append appetite applaud applause apple applicate axis, z-axis appraise appreciate apprehend apprentice approach approach infinity approve apricot apricot april apse apsis, apse apt aptness Apus aqua aquafortis aquamarine aquarelle aquarium aquatic aquatint aquavit aqueduct aqueous aquiculture Aquifoliaceae Aquilegia aquiline arable arachnoid araneous Aranyaka arbitrage, arbitrage deal arbitrary arbitrate arbitration arbitrator arboreal arboretum arboriculture arborvitae arbour arcade arc archaeology archaic archaism arch archeologist archeology archimandrite archipelago architect architecture architrave archive archivist arc lamp ardent ardour area arena argentan argonauta argonaut argue argument argute arid arista aristocracy aristocrat aristocratic aristrocrat arithmetic and logical unit arithmetic arm armour army aroma aromatic aromatic herb aromatize arrack arrange array arrear arrest arrival arrive arrow arsenic arson art arteriosclerosis artful arthritis arthropod arthropods artichoke article articulate articulation articulation point artifact artifice artifice artificial artillery artilleryman artless ascend ascension ascent asepsis ashes asia ask asparagus asp aspect asperity asperse aspersion asperula asphalt aspiration aspire aspirin assailant assail ass assault assay assemblance assemble assembly assent assert assertion assess asseverate assign assimilate assistance assist assize associate association assuage assume assure astatine aster Asterias asterisk asteroid asteroid asthenia astigmatic astigmatism astonish astound astragalus astral astrobiologio astrobiology astrodome astrodynamic astrogate astrolabe astrologer astrological astrology astronaut astronaut astronautical astronautics astronomer astronomical astronomy astrophysics asunder asylum asymptote ataxia atheism atheist atheistic athrepsia atmosphere atom atomism atrocious atrophy atrophy attack attain attaint attempt attend attenuate attest attract attribute aubade auburn auction auctioneer audacious audacity audience auditorium auditory aught augur augury august auk aurora auspices auspicious auspicious austere Australasia austral australopithecus Austrlia autarchy autarkic(al), autarchic(al) autarky, autarchy authenticate authentic authenticity author authoritative authority authority figure autism auto autobiographical autobiography autobiography autocatalysis autochton autochtonous autoclave autocracy autocracy autocrat autocrat auto-da-fé autodidact autodidactic autogenous autogiro autograph autograph autography autography autogyro autoharp autolysis automat automation automatism automaton automaton aŭtomobile autonomic autonomous autonomy autopsy autorize autosome autotrophic autumn auxiliary avarice avenge average averse aversion avert aviate aviational aviation aviator avid avitaminosis avoid awl awn axial axiomatic axiom axis axle axon aye Ayurveda azalea azimuth angle, polar angle, amplitude azoic azure babble babel baboon bachelor bacillus bacterium bairn bait bake baker balance balance bale balistics balk ballad ballast ball ball ballet ballot balm balsam baluster balustrade banal banality banana ban band band banderilla banderillero banderole bandit bandoleer banish bank banker bankrupt bankrupt banner banus baptize bar barbel bark barley barm barograph barrage barrel barricade barrier base baseless basin basis bastard baste bastille bastion bath bathe battery battle battlement bead beadle bear beard bearded be ardent beast beastly be beauty beaver be based (upon); because bed bedframe bee beech bee-eater beehive beekeeper beeline beenbuild beetle beewax believe bell bellow bellows belly bench bend benediction benefice beneficial beneficiary benefit benefit benevolence benign benign benzene benzidine besiege between beware bezar bible bible leaf biblical bibliographer bibliographical bibliography bibliography bibliomania bibliomania bibliomaniac bibliophile bick bicycle, bike bid bidder bier bigamist bigamy bight bilge bill billet-doux billiards bimetallism binary bind binoculars binomial bioastyronautics biocenosis biocenosis biogist biographer biographical biography biography biological biologist biology biology biomass biopsy biosphere biotope biplane bird birth biscuit biscuit biscuit porcelain bisector bisectrix bishop bit bit bite bitter bivouac bladder blade blank blast blastomycosis blaze bleach bleak bleb bleed blende blind alley blind blinder blindfold blinds bloat blob block blood bloom blossom blow blubber blue boar board boat boil boiler bold bolden boll bolster bolt bolt bolus bomb bond bonefactor book boose borage border bore borough both bottle bottom bouillabaisse bouillon bow bowel bowels bowl box brace bracelet brachiopod Brachipoda brake brambl branch brand brave bravery braze breach bread break brew bridle brim bristle broach bronchitis brooch broom broth brother brow brown brunt brutal brute bubble buckle buckler bud budget buffalo bugloss bulde bulk bulla bull bull bullet bulletin bumblebee bundle buoy burden bureau bureaucracy bureaucrat burgh burn burnish bush bushy butt butter button buttress cab cabin cable cablegram cache cachet cacography cadaverous cadence cadet cage calash calcine calculate caldron calendar calligrapher calloius calm caltrop calumet calumniate calvary camber camel cameo campaign canal can cancer Cancer candidate candid candle candour cane canker cannon canonical canonical hours canonize canon law canope canteen canticle cantle canton canvas capable capacity caparison cap cape caper capillary capital capitulate capitulum capsize capstan captain captious captive capture Capuchin carat car carbuncle Carcinidae carcinogen carcinogenic carcinoma carcinomatosis Carcinus card card career caress cargo caricature Carina Carinata Carolingian minuscule (writing) carp carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cart cartel cartographer cartoon cartridge carve cascade case case casement cashew cashew nut casino cast castellan castigate castle castrate catalog(ue) cat catenation cathedral cattle caudal cause cause-way caustic cautelous caution cavern cavity cedar cede celebrate celebrity celerity celestial cellar cell celluloid cement cemetery cenral cent centenary central angle centre centuple century Cephalopoda cercle cereals certain certify certitude cess chain chalice chalk chalky challenge challenger chamberlain chamfer chamois chance chancre chandelier channel chant chapel chaperon chaplain chapter character charade charge chariot charity charlatan charm chart charter chary chase chaste chastise chastity chattel check checker checkmate cheer cheering cheese chemistry cheque cherish cherruy chervil chest chick-pea chief chieftain chimney China aster chirurgical chisel chivalrous chivalry chlorine chloroform chlorophyll chlorosis cholecystitis choleric choreographer christian chromatography chromolithography chromolithography chromotography chronaxia chronaxie chronaxy chronaxy chronic chronicle chronicler Chronicles chronograph chronograph chronological chronology chronometer chronometric chronometry church cicada cincture cinders cinema cinematograph cinematograph cipher circuit circuit circumcise circumspect circumstance circumvolution cirrhosis cistern citation cite cither citizen city civic civil civilize claim clam clamber clammy clamour clamp clandestine clang clangorous clangour clank clap clapper claret clarify clarinet clarion clasp class clavichor clavicle clay clean clear cleave cleft clench cleptomania clergy clerk clew cliff climb clinch cling clingy clink clip clock clod cloister close closet clot cloth cloud clough clove club cluck clue clump clutch coagulant coagulate coalesce co-author cob coefficient coeval coffer cogent cogitate cohere cohesion coitiçon cold collar collect collective college college collide collision colloquium colloquy colloquy collude collusion colonel colonize colony colour column combat comb combination combinatorial analysis combinatorics combine come comedian comedo comedy comfortable comfort comical command commandement comment commerce commiseration commit adultery commodore common commune communication communion community compact companion company compart compartment compass compassion compatible competition compile complain complaint complete complex complex number, imaginary number complicate compose composer compost composure compound comprehend comprise compulsion comrad conceal conceive concept concern concert conch conciliate concise conclave conclude conclusion concord condemnation condemn condense conditional tense. condition condition conduce conduct conductor conduit conent confer confess confide confidence conflict confuse confusion congeries congest congregate congress conicoid conjoin conjugate conjunctivitis conjure conjurer conoid conquer conqueror conquest conscience conscious consecrate consecration consecutive consent consequence conserve considerable consideration consider consolation consoler consolidate consort conspicuity conspicuous conspiration constant constellate constellation consternation constitiution constitute construct construction consult consume consume consummate consumption contact contagion contagious contain contaminate contemporary contend conteract contest contiguous contingent contoid contract contraindication contrite control contuse contusion convalescent convenience convenient converge convict conviction convince convocate convoy convulsion cook cooking cool coop coordinate axis copier copious coporal copper coppoice coprolite coprophagy copse copy corb corbel cordage cordate cord cordial core corn corner cornet cornice corny corporeal corpse corpulent correct correspond correspondence correspondent corridor corroborate corrode corrosive corrupt corruption corsair corset cosmographer cost costume cotton council counsel count countrydance county courage courageous courier course court courteous courtesy coutier covenant cover coverture covet covetous covey coward cow coy crab crack cram crane crankle crape crash crass cravat craw craw-fish crawl create creation creative creator creature credence credible credit credulous c redundant creed creek crescent cress crest crested crib cricoid crime crinkle Crinoidea cripple crisp cristalloid croak croaker crochet crook crop cross crouch croup crow crown cruciate crude crudgel crudity cruel cruelty crumb crumble crumple crust crutch cryolite crypt cryptogram crystallographer cubit ĉucumber cue cuirasse culminate culter cultivate culture cup cupidity cure curer curio curious curiousity curry cursive cursor curtail curve custom cut cutlass cyanosis cylinder cymbal Cynodon Cypripedium dactilography dactyl dactyl dactylography dactylography daemon dainty dais daisy damage damnable damnation damn damned damnify damp damper dance danger dank date date date daub daunt dawn day deactivate deaf deafen dean dear debate deca- decade decagon decahedron decalin Decalogue Decalog(ue) decamp decane decapod decapod decathlon decay decease deceive December decemvir decennary decennial decennium deci- decibel decide decillion decimal decimate deck declaim declare decoction decree decrepit deed de facto defame defeat defeatism defect defection defective defence defend defer deficiency deficient deficit defile define defraud defray defunct defy degenerate degree deign deject dekanal delegate deliberate delicacy delicate delicious delight delirious delirium delirium tremens deliuge deliver delivery delivrance deltoid demagog demagogue demagog(ue) demagogy demagogy demand demency demented dementia demis demiurge demiurge democracy democracy democrat democrat democratic democratic demographer demography demography demolish demolition demon demon indemnity demonstrate demonstration demonstrative denial denigrate denominate denounce dense density dental dentate dent dentifrice dentin(e) dentist dentistry dentition denture(s) denude deny deontology depart department departure depend depose deposit deprave depreciate depute deride derision derisive derive derma dermatitis dermatitis dermat(o)- dermatologist dermatology dermatosis descend descent desert desertion designate design desinfectant desire desirous desk despair desperate despicable despise desposit dessert destine destiny destroy destroyer detail detain detect detective detent determine detest detract detraction detriment detrition deuterocanonical devastate devastation devil devolve devour dexterous diachronic diagram dialect dialectics dialog(ue) diamond diapedesis diary dictate differ difficult difficulty diffidence diffusion dig digest digraph digress dike dilate diligent dilute diluvian dim diminish diminuendo diminution diminutive dimorphic diocese Diodon diploid dipsomania direct direct current direction disaffect disaffected disappear disarray disaster disastrous discern discord disdain disembark disenteric disentery dish disinfectant disinfect disjoin disjoint dismay dismember dispair disparate disparge dispatch dispensary dispense disperse displease disport dispose dispute disqualify dissect disseminate dissension dissent dissertation dissert dissolution dissolve dissuade distance distinct distinction distinguish distort distraction distress district disturb ditch dittography diurnal divan diverge diverse divert divine divulge do docile doctor doctrine document doleful dolorous dolour dome domestic domicile dominate dominee dominium donation donor door doorframe dormitory double double doubt7 doubt dough dowager dower down doxology drag draper drapery draw dream dredge dress drug dsynamic dual duchess duct ductile duel dueler, dueller, duelist, duellist duke dull duodenitis duodenum duplicate duplicity durance duration during dust dynamics dynamism dynamite dynamo dynamometer dynamotor dynastic dynasty dynatron dyne dys- dysenteric dysentery dysfunction dyslectic dyslexia dysmenorrhea dyspepsia dyspeptic dyspnea dysprosium dystrophy dysuria eager eagle eaglet ear ear earobatics ease east easy eatable eat ebony ebullioscope ecballium ecclesiastical eclampsia ecological ecologist ecologist ecology ecology econometrics economical economic economics economist economize economy ecosystem ection ectoderm -ectomi ectopia ectoplasm ectropion ecumenical ecumenism edge edible edification edification edifice edifice edify edify edile edit edit edition edition educate educate effect effect effective effective effectiveness effects effectual effectuate effervesce effervescence efficient effliuence effloresce effusion egg eglantine egress egyptian Egyptian eight eighth eîtome ejaculate eject ejective elapse elbow elder elder eldest eldritch elect elect electrodynamic electrodynamometer elegant elegate elegy elevate elf elfin elide eliminate eliminate elision elite elito elk ell elm El Niño elocution elocution elocution eloquence eloquent else elude elusion emanate emanate emancipate embarass embarass embark embarrassing embarrassment embarrassment embassy embellish embrace embriogenesis embryo embryogenetic embryogenic embryogeny embryological embryology embryonic emerald emerge emeritus emery emetic emetine emigrant emigrate emigrate emigration eminence eminent eminent emirate emir emit emolument emotion emotion emperor empire empirical empiric empiricist employ empress emulate emulator emulous emulsion enamel enamoured enantiomorph enantiomorphic enantiosis enantiotropy encephalitis encephalitis encephalogram encephalograph encephalon enchant enclave encyclical encyclopedia encyclopedia end endemic endemic endicronologist endive endocardiitis endocardiitis endocardium endocarp endocrine endocrinology endoctrinate endoderm endogéamy endogenous endogeny endoplasm endoscope endosmosis endothelium endothermic energetics energetics energize energy energy enervate enfilade engage engage engagement engine engineer engineer enginery english englishman engteric enhance enharmonic enlarge enologist enormous enormous enrage enrich enroll ensign enteralgia enter enteritis enteritis enterococcus enterokinase enteron enteropneust enterostomy enterovaccine enterprise entire entoderm entomologist entozoon entr'acte entrails entrance entrap enuresis envelop environment envoy envy enzyme eoghty eon epact ependimitis ependyma ependymitis epenthesis epicanthus epicarp epicene epicenter epicondyle epicycle epicycloid epicycloid epidemic epidemic epidemiologist epidemiology epidendron epidendrum epidermis epidiascope epididymis epigastrium epiglottis epiglottis epigram epigram epigraph epigraph epigynous epilepsy epilogue epilogue epiphanio epiphysis epiphyte episcopal epistemology epistle epistle epitaksio epitaph epitaxis epithalamion epithalamium epithelium epithet epizootic epoch epode epoxy equable equal equalize equanimity equanimity equanimous equate equation equator equerry equestrian equilateral equilibrist equilibrium equinox equipoise equipollent equitable equity equivalent equivocal erase erasure erclectic erect erg ergograph ergograph ergometer ergonomics ermine eroneous erosion err error erudite erudition eruption eruption erythrose escape escarole eschatology esophagus espouse esquire essay essence establish estate esteem ester esthesia esthete esthetic esthetics estivate estivation estuary eternal eternity ethanal ethane ethanol ethene ether ethereal Ethiopia ethmoid ethnographer ethos etiology Etiopian etymological etymologist etymology etymology eucalipto eucharist eud(a)emonism eud(a)emonism eudiometer Eugene eugenics euhemerism eumycetes eupatory eupepsia euphemism euphony euphorbia euphoria eupnea eutectic euthanasia euxenite evacuate evacute evade evasion evasive event event eventual eventually ever every evict evident evident evolute evolve evultion ewer exacerbate exact exact exacting exagerate exalt exalt haughty exam examination examine examine exanthema exarch exateric ex- excavation excell excellency excellent except exception excess exchange exchequer excise excitable excitation excite excite excitement exclude exclude exclusive exclusive excrement excretion excursion excursion excuse excuse execrable execrate execute exegesis exegesis exegete exegetical exegetics exemplar exemplar exemplary exemplify exempt exemption exercise exercise exergue exgtravagance exhalation exhale exhibit exhibition exhibitionism exigency exigent exiguous exile exile exist existentialism existentialist exit ex libris exo- exobiology exobiology exogenous exomosis exophtalmia exorbitance exorcise exothermic exotic expand expansion expansion expatriate expectancy expectation expect expect expectorate expedient expedite expedite expedition expedition expeditious expense experience experiment experiment expert expert expertise expiate expiation expiration explicate explicate explicit explod explode exploit exploit explore explore explorer exponent exponential export export monopoly expose expose exposition exposure expound express express expressionism expressure expropriate expulse exquisite extemporaneous extend extend extensive extent extenuate exterior exterminate exterminate external extinguisch extinguish extirpate extort extra- extract extraction extradite extrados extrapolate extravert extreme extremity extrorse exultation exult eye fable fabricate fabric fabulous face facet facetious facia facial facies facile facilitate facility facing facsimile fact factice faction factitious factitive factor factorial factory factotum facultative faculty faggot fair fairy falcon falconer faldstool fall fallow falter fame familiar fane fang far fare fashionable fashion fastidious fatal fate father fatherly fathom favour fealty fear feast feather feculent fecund fee feeble feed feel feeler feign felicity fell fell felly felt female feminine fennel feoff ferett fern fervent fervour festival festoon fetish fetishism fetishist feudal fever few fewness fiddle field fierce fifth fifty fig fight filial filiation fill filly film filter filth filthy final fin find fine finery finesse finger fire firing firm first fish fisher fissure fist fit five fix flame flanc flannel flask flat flaw flax flea fleet flood floor flow floweret flpwer fluctuate fluent fluid flushĉ flutter flux foal fodder foible foil foliage foment font food foot for for- forbid ford fore fore- forego foreign forest forge forger forget forget fork forlorn formal form fortalice fort fortify fortitude fortress fortune forty forward foster foul foulness foundation found fountain fount four fourth fowl fracture fragment fragrance frail frailty frame framed framepack frameshift framing frank fraternal fraud fraudulent fraught fraught fray freeze freight freigt french cancan frenetic frenzy freschen fresh fret friction frigate frigid fringe from frontage front front-end interface frost frstive fructify frugal fruit fruitful fry fry fugacious fugitive fulfil full full duplex fuller fulling fumigate fumigation function fundament fund funeral furious furnace furrow fury fuse fusible fusion fustigate fustigate futile ĝabhor gable gain galalith gallant gallantry gall galley gallop gambol Ganesh gaol garb garden garland garnet garnish garnment garrison gastropod gelatine gem gender genealogy general generation generous genial genital genius gentle gentleman gentry geo- geocentric geode geodesic geodesy geodesy geodetic geographer geographer geologist geology geomancy geometer geophagy geophagy geopolitics Georgia Georgics geotropism Geotrupes germ germinate gesticulate gesttion gesture get GHraptolitha giant gift gigantic ĝimprint gin gird give glaceo glacial glacier glacis glad gland glans glass glaucous glaze glebe glide glimmer glimpse gloat glorious glory glosito glossa glossary gloss glossolalia glossopharyngeal glossotomy glottis glow glower gluten gluttonous glycemia glyptodont godless gold goose gouache gout gouty govern government government monopoly ĝpost grace gracious gradient -graf aerogram(me) graft grain -gram -gram -graph grammar gramophone granary grand grandeur grange granite granule grape grapefruit grapes grapevine graph graphics graphite grapholgist graphologist grapnel grapple grass grate grave grave gravity gravure grease great greedy for profit green grey grief grievance grieve grievous griffin grill grimace grime grin grip gripe grit grits groats groove grotesque grow grower grtade grzam ĝtoll guard guest guidance guide GUI, graphical user interface gulf gum gush gut gutter gymnasium gymnast Gymnophiona gymnosperm gynecology habit habituate habitude hack hackle Hagiographa halberd halcyon hale hall hall halm haloid ham hammer hammock hanf haplography harangue hard harden hardy harmonica (mouth) harp harmonic harmonics harness harp hart harvest hasp haste hasty haul haulm haunt hautboy have haven have the ambition to haw hawk hawser hazard head headframe heady heap hear hear hearing heart hearten heat heave heaven hectograph hedge hegemony heir heirship helichrysum helicopter heliocentric heliograph heliography heliogravure heliogravure Heliopolis helioscope heliostat heliotrope heliotropism helium helix hell helm hematemesis hematin hematite hematogenesis hematology hematoma hematosis hematozoon hematozoon hematuria heme hemianopsia hemicellulose hemicrania hemihedron hemiplegia hemiplegia hemisphere hemistitch hemodialysis hemoglobin hemolysin hemolysis hemophilia hemophiliac hemopoiesis hemoptysis hemorrhage hemorrhoid hemorrhoid hemostasis hemostat hemzatogenous hen herald her herbage herbalist herb hering heritage hermitage hermit hesitate hetero- heterocyclic heterodox heterodyne heterogenous heteronomy heteropolyacid Heteroptera heterosome heterostroohic heterozygote hidalgo hide hidroelectric hidrofobia hidrofono hidrometer hidrophilic high hill hilt him hip hiperbaton hiperbola hiperborean hipocaust hipocritical hipogastrium hipogeum Hippocampus Hippocrates hippodrome hippoglossius hippogryph hippophagy hippophagy hippopotamus his historiography history hjalf hoard hoarding hold hold office holm hologram holograph holography holster homage home homelike homeopath homeopathy homily homo homogeneous homologous homonym homophobia homophone homopolar homosexual homoteleuton homothetic homozygote hone honest honesty honey bee honour hook hoop hoopla horn horned hornet horrible horrid horror horse hose hose hospital host hostile hot hotel hound hour howl hull human humanity humanize humble humility humour hump hunch hundred hurdle hurst hussar hut hybrid hybridize hydrodynamics hydrogen hydrography hydrography hydrolysis hydroplane hydrops hydrorrhea hydrosphere hydrostatics hydrosulfite hydrous hydroxide - hydroxy hydroxy- hymnal hymn hyperactive hyper- hyperbola hyperemia hyperesthesia hyperglycemia Hypericum hypermetropic hyperon hypertension hypertrophy hypertrophy hypocaust hypocenter hypochondria hypochondriasis hypochondrium hypochotyl hypocrisy hypocycloid hypoderma hypogastrium hypogeum hypogeum hypoglossal hypoglycemia hypogynous hypophysis hypospadias hypostasis hypostyle hypotension hypotenuse hypothalamus hypothec hypothenar hypothesis hypsochromic hypsometer i ichthyosis ichtyologist ichtyophagy iconography identical identify ideogram ideography ideologue idiot idiotic igneous ignite ignominious ignominy ignorant Iguanodon ilex illuminate illuminate illusion illusion illustrate illustrate illustrative illustrious image imaginary imaginary, imagined imagination imaginative imagine imago imfuse imfusorium imitate immanent immense immerse imminent immolate immunity immutable impedance impede impediment impel imperative imperator imperfect imperfection imperial imperial imperialism imperious imperium impersonate impetuous impetus implacable implicate implicit implode implosion imply importance important import import monopoly importunate impose impost impostor imposture impotence impotent impound imprecation impregnate impresario impress imprimatur impromptu impudence impudent impulse impunity impute impute inactive inanity in inaudible inaugurate inauguration incantation incarcerate incendiary incense incense incest incinerate incision incisor incisure inclined inclose include include inclusive inclusive incorporate increase increment incrust incubagtion incubato incunabulum incurable incursion inczandescent indemnify indemnis indent indenture index indicate indicate indicative indignant inductance induct indulge indulgence indulgent industrious industry inept inequality inequation inert inert gas, noble gas inertia inertial inexorable in fact infamy infancy infant infantry infarct infect infect infectious infer inference inferior infernal infest infiltrate infinite infinite infinitesimal infinity infirm infix inflate inflict influence influenza influx inform infraction infringe infundibulum ingenious ingenuous ingest ingredient ingress inhabit inhale inimitable iniquity initial initiate initiate inject inject injective injector injunction injure injury vabjure ink inner innovate innovatiào inoculate inoculate inquest inquire inquisition insanity insect insecte insectivorous insert insert insertion inseurgent insidious insidious insignia insinuate insinuate insipid insist inspect inspect inspector inspiration inspire install instance instance instep instigate instigate instigation instinct instinct institution instruct instruct instruction instruction instructor instrument instrument insufficiency insufficient insulate insulation insult insult insulting insure insurgent insurrection insurrection integrity intellect intellectual intelligence intelligent intelligible intend intent intention interact interactively inter- inter intercalate interdict interest interface interface interfere interior interjection interlocutor intermezzo intermit internal intern interpel interpolate interpret interpret interpreter interrogate interrupt interrupt interstice interstice intertrigo interval interview intestine inteview intimate intimidate into intonation intra- intransigent intrepid intrigue intrigue intriguing intrinsic intrinsic intro- introduce introit introspection introvert intuition intuition inundate inundate invade invade invader invalid invasion invective inventory invert invert invest invest investigation investiture investment inveterate invike invite invite inviting invocate involve involvement irascible ire iredentism iron irrigate irrigation irritable irritate irruption is isle islet isobar isobath isochronal Isocrates isodimorphous isodynamic isogeotherm isogloss isogloss isolate isolation isomer isomorphic isomorphic isonym isoprene isosceles isotonic isotope isotropic issue it iterate itinerate -itis ivory jacket jail jamb january jar jasper jelly jet jetty jewel jiunction join joinder joinery joint jointure joke journal joust jouyous joy jubilant jubilation judge judge judgement juggle jugulate juncture june juniper jury just justice justify Juvenal juvenile kapok kardioid karyiokinesis keel keloid kennel kernel kettle kilobit kilobyte kilocalorie kilocycle kilogram(me) kilohertz kilometre kilovolt kilowatt kin kind kinematics -kinesis kinesitherapist kinesitherapy kinesthesia kinesthesis kinesthetic kinetic kinetics kinetotherapy kiss kitchen kitten knag knead knee knife knight knight knit knob knot know knuckle label laborious labour labourer lace Lacedaemon ladder lagniappe lagoon laic laity lamb lamentable lamentation lament laminate lamplantern lance lancer land landtag language langue d'oïl languid languish languor lap lap lapidary lapidate lapse large lariat larva laryngitis lascivious lassitude last last latent lateral latitude laudable laud laugh laurel lavatory lavender lax lay asphalt lay lay layert league lean leap leash leave leaven lector leek legacy legal legate legend legible legion legitimate lelief lend lenghten length lens lentil leopard leprosy leprous lesion less lesson let lethal lethargic lethargy lethargy lethargy letter lettered lettuce leucosis leukemia level lever lexical lexicographer lexicology lexikon liaison libel liberal liberate liberation libertine liberty libidinous library librate lick lie lieutenant ligament lighen light light lighten lightning ligneous lily limit limous limp lineage line linen linger lintel lion lip liquefy liquid liquor liquorice list listen literal literary literature lithography lithography lithopone lithoscope lithotomy lithotrity litigate litter liturgy livery livid lizard loan local locality localize locate lock locust locution locution lodge lodging log logic lone longanimity long longevity longitude loose loosen loquacious lose lot lotion lotterie loud love affair love lover lubricate lucerne lucid lucrative lucre lucubration ludicrous lullaby lull lunacy lustre lustrine luxate luxurious luxury lychopodium lye lymphadenitis lymphang(i)itis lynx mace machine macro- macrobiotic macrobiotics macrobiotics macrocephalous macron magazine magisteril magisterium magistrate magnanimity magnanimous magnanimous magnate magnific magnificence magnificent magnify magnitude magpie maha- Mahabharata(m) mahatma mahout mail mail mainframe maintain maintenance majestic majesty Majorana hortensis major major-domo majority make making makroscopic malady male malediction malevolent malice malicious malignant malign malign malignity mallow malt maltreat mamma manacle manage manage management manager man mandate mandolin manege maneuver manger mania manifest manipulate manner manor manse mansuetude mantelet mantle manual manufacture manuscript map marble march march march mare margin margrave marine maritime mark market marmelade marquess marschall marsh martial marvel masculine mask mason masquerade massage mass mass massive mast master mastery masticate mastic mastiff mastodon mastoid material maternal maternity mathematics matrimonial matrix matron matter mattress mature maxi- maxim maximum may may mayor mead meager meagre meal mean mean meaness measure me medaillon medal meddle meddling medical medicinal medicine medieval mediocre mediocrity meditate meditation medlar mega- megalith megalith megalo- megalomania megalopolis megalosaur megaphone Megatherium melancholy melanemia melitococcosis melt member membrane memory menace mendacious mend mendicant mending menial meningitis mental mention menu mercer mercery merchant merciful mercy mere meridian merit meritorious mermaid message mess messuage metalloid metamorphosis metamorphous Metazoa metazoan mete meteoroid meteorology meter mew microbiology microbiology midair might migrate mild military militate milk mill miller millet mimepgraph mind mineralogy miniature minimal minim minimum minister ministerial ministration ministry minor minority minstrel mint mint minuend minuet minus minuscule minute minutes minutia miracle mirage mirror miscreant misdeed miserable miser misericorde misery missal miss miss- missen missive mistress misuse miure mix mixture mlane mnemonics mock mockery mode model moderate modern modest modify modulate module molar mole molecule molybdenum monachism monastery monastic monasticism monaural monday monecious money monk monk-presbyter, hieromonk monkshood monochromatic monocle monoclinic monoclinous monocular monogamous monogamy monografio monogram monogram monograph monolith monolith monolithic monolog monolog(ue) monomania monomania monomaniacal monomaniac monomer monomeric monomial mononucleosis monopetalus monophonic monophtong monophysite monoplane monopole monopolize monopoly monorail monosaccharide monosyllabic monotheism monotheist monotone monotonic, monoton monotonous monotony monotropy monotype monoxide monster monstrance monstrous month monthly monument moon moor mop mope moped moral moralize morbid morbidness morning morose morphallaxis -morph morpheme Morpheus morphine morphogenesis morphology morphology morrow morsel mortal mortality mortar mortify mortuary mosaic mosquito moss mother mother motherly motion motive motor mould mountain mountaineer mount mouse mouth movable move much mucous membrane mud mulatto mule muleteer multiplicand multiplication multiplier multiply multitud mumble mump mundane municipal munifiscence munition murder murmur muscle Muse museum music musket mustard musty mutation mute mutter mutual muzt muzzle my mycology mycosis mycosis myriapod Myrmecophaga myxomatosis nacelle naked name narrate natal nation native natural nature nausea nauseate nauseous nautical Nautilus naval nave nave navel navicular navigate navigate navy neat neatness nebulous necessary necessitate necessitous necessity necrology necromancy needle negate negation negative negaton, negatron negigible neglect neglect negligable negligable negligence negligence negotiate neighbour neologism nephew nephritis nerve nervous nest nest nestle net nether neuralgia neurosis neuter neutral neutrality neutralize neutrino neutrodyne neutron never never new news niche niece night nightingale nightingale nightly nine ninth nip nitric acid nitrogen (noah's) ark no nobility nomenclature nomenclature non-aliquot part none none non-negative normal north nose nostalgia nostril notable notary not not note notorious nought nought nourish november novice now nuclear power plant nude nudity null null element null element, zero nullify nullify null, zero number nuptial nurse nursery nut nutriment nutritive nuture oaf oar Oberon obese obey obituary object objurgate oblige obliterate oblivion oblivious oblong obovate obovoid obscure obscure obsequies obsequious observatory observe obsession obstacle obstacle obstetrics obstinate obstinate obstruct obstruction obtain obtuse obviate obvious occasion occult occupy october octopus ocular ode odious Odonata odour of off offence offend office office officer officer official official officiate officinal officious officious ogling oil oily old omega onager on one onion only ontology oolite ooze opacity opaque operate operation ophtalmitis opine opinionated opinion opportune oppose opposite option opulent oracle orange oration orator oratory orb orbed ordain order ordinance ordnance organ organic organism organize orgy orient orifice original originate origin oriole orison ornament ornate ornithology ornithopus orography orphan orthography orthopedics oscillate osprey osprey ossuary ostensible ostentation osteomyelitis ostrich ostrich other otter ought ounce our ours outrage outré over overt overture owe own oxalate oxalis oxalyl oxidase oxidation oxide oxidize oxygenate oxygen oxytone oxyuriasis oxyuria(sis) oxyuricide oyster pacific pack packet packet-boat packframe pact pagan pain paint painter pair palace palate palatial pale palefrey paleographer paleontology Paleozoic pallid palm palmiped palpitate pan pandemic pandemonium pane panel pannier pantofle pantograph pantry papa papal papar pap paper paper nautilus papilla parabola parachial parade paradise paragon paragraph parallax parallel parallelipiped parallelogram parapet paraplegia paraplegic parboil parchement pardon parentage parental parents parish park parley parlour parochiaism paroxysm paroxytone parrot parrow parry parsley parsonage parson partake part partial participate particle particular parting partition partner party pas Pascal pasigraphy passage passenger passiflora passion Passion passive paste pastel pastern pastor pastry pasture pasty patent paternel path pathetic pathogen pathogenesis pathologist pathology pathos patience patient patricien patrimony patrol patron patronize patten patter pause pave pavillon paw pawn pay pea peace peacock peahen peak pear pearl pedagogics pedagogue pedagog(ue) pedagogy pedal pedant pedantic pederastiulo pederasty pedestal pedestrian pediatrician pedicle Pedicularis Pediculus pedicure pedigree peduncle peel peel peep peerage peer peerless pelagic pell-mell pelt peltry penance pen pencil peneplain penitence penman penny pentagram penurious penury people peopny pepper per perceive perception perdition peregrinate peregrine peremptory perfect perfection perfectionist perfidy perfume pericarditis pericardium perigee perihelion peril perilous perish perjurer pérogative peroration perperty perpetrate perpetual perpetuate perplexed persecute persecution perseverance persevere personage personal person persuade persuasion pertinacious pertinent pest pester pestiferous pestilent pestle petition petrify phagocyte phase pheasant phial philippic philologio philosopher phimosis phonograph phonology photography phraseology phrenology physiology phytoplankton pick pickpocket pictograph picture picturesque piece piecewise monotonic piety pigeon pile pilgrimage pilgrim pillage pillar pill pimpernel pinacle pincess pine pinion pinnace pinnacle pioneer pious pip pipe pique piracy pirate piss pistol piston pit pitch pitchpine piteous pitiful pittance pity placid plague plain plaintiff plaintive plan plane angle plane plane-tree plank plankton plantain plant plaster plastroon plate platitude platoon plaudits plausible plea plead pleasantry please pleasure plenitude plenteous plenty plover pluck plumage plumbago plumb plumber plume plunge pluperfect plush plutocracy plutocrat ply pocke pocket podagra podagra podium Podocarpus poem Poephagus grunniens poesy poet poetize poetry poignant point pointer point of minimum polarograph poltroon polyester polyethylene polyglot polymorphous polyp pomde pomegranate pommel poniard pontifex pontiff pontoon poor pope poplar poppy populace popular populus porcelaine porch porcupine pornographer portal portend portent porter portion portrait portray pose position possess possible possibly post posterior posterity postern posthumous postil postillon postulate posture pot potato potent potter poultry pound pout poverty powder power powerfull practice practie practitioner praise pravity pray prayer preach preamble preamplifier prebend precarious précaution precede precedence precinct precious precipice precipitate précise precocious precursor predicate predilection preeminent preempt preface prefect prefecture preferable preferably prefer preference preferential prejudice prejudice prelude premium prepare presage preside press pressure prestige presumably presume presumption presumptive presumptuous pretext prevail prevaricate prevision prey price priest primacy primary prime primeval primitive primordial prince prince principal principality principality principle principle prior priority prison prisoner private privation privilege privy prize prize probable probe probity problem proceed process proclaim prodigal prodigious prodigy profane profess profession profitability profitable profit profiteer profound profusion progeny program(me) progress prohibit project proletarian proletariat proliferate proliferous prolific prolix prolix prologue prominent promiscuous prompt prompter promulgate proof propaedeutics propagate propensity proper prophecy prophesy prophet propose propound proprietor propriety prorogue prospect prospective prosper pros)perity prosperous prostrate prostration protagonist protect protection protozoan protozoiasis protozoology protozoon protozoosis protuberance proud prove provender proverb provide provident province provoke provost prow prowess proximity prude prudent prudery prudish psalm pseudopod(ium) psychology Pteranodon pterodaktyl pterodaktyl puberty pubescent public publish puddle puerile puerperal puerperium puff puffy pulley pullulate pulp pulp puls pulse punch puncheon punctual puncture punish punishment pure pure imaginary purgatory purge purify purist puritan purity purple purse pursuant pursue pursuit purulent pushcart putrefy putrid qualification qualified qualify qualitative quality quantifiable quantify quantitative quantity quantum quarrel quarrel quarry quarry quarter quasar query question quick quicken quick-grass quid pro quo quintain quite quolibet quondam quorum quota quotidiant quotient rack racket radiance radical radioactive radiogram radiography radiology radis raff rage rail raise rake rally ramification ramify rancid range rank ransom rapacious rape rapid rapine rapt rapture rare rarity rascal rasp rat rate ratify ravage raven ravine ravish raw ray raze razor reabsorb read ready real reality realize realm rear rear reasonable reason reassure rebel rebellion recede receipt receive recepable recess reciprocal recital recitation recitative recite reck recommend record recover recrudescence recruit rectangle rectify rectitude rector recur red redden redeem Redeemer redemption redundancy refectory refine reflect reflection reflex refract refuge refute regale regard regency regent regime regiment regolith regress regular regulate reign rein reiterate rejuvenate relic relict relief relieve religion religious relinquish remarkable remark remedy remember remembrance remonstrance remorse render renegade renovate rent repair reparation repartee repast repatriate repeat repentance repent repetition repose reprisals reprographic reptile repudiate repugnance repulse reputation repute request require requisition requite resemble reside residue resign resilience resilient resolution resolve resonance resource respiration respoinsible respond response rest restive restore resultant result resume résumé resumption resurrection retail retailer retinue retort retraction retreat retroactive reveal revel revenge revere reverence reverend revert revictuals review revoke revolt revolution revolve revolver Rhizopoda rhubarb rice rich riches riddle ride rider ridicule ridiculous right-angled right rigid rigorous rigour rill ring ring ringlet rip ripple rise risk rite ritual rival rivality rivalry river roam roar roast rob robber robbery robe robust rock rocket rocky roll rolling romance rook room roomy root rosary rose rosy round roundlay rout routine row row rubble rubicund ruby rudder ruddy rude rudiment ruele rugged ruin rule ruminate rumour rump run rupture russet rust rustic rut Saat sabre sack sacral sacrament sacred sacrifice sacrificial sacrilege sacrilegious sacroiliac sacrosankt sacrum saddle säen saffron sagacious sage saint salade salient saliva salivary salivate sally salmon saloon salpetre saltarello salt salubrity salutary salutation salute Same same sameness samovar sanctify sanctimonious sanction sanctity sanctuary sanctum sanguinary sanguine sanity sap sapid sapience sarcophagus sardine sate satiate satisfaction satisfy 's s saturate sauce sausage savage savansavourt save saveloy saving saviour saw say no scaffold scale scale scallop scalp scalpel scamp scamper scandal scandalize scaphoid Scaphopoda scarf scarlet school schrift schrimp scintillate scissors scissure score scrap scrape scratchscrawl screen screw scribble scrivener scrofulous scruple scruting scrutinize sculpture scum scythe seal seam search season seat seaward second secret sectarian sect section secure security sedative sedentary sediment see seed seek/sought seem seemew segment select self-activating self-assurance self-denial self-sufficient selvage semblance semiminor semiology sempiternel senate senator send seneschal senile sensation sense sensitive sentinel sentry separate sepiolite september septicemia sepulchre sepulture sequel sequestered sequestration serf sergeant series serious sermon serpent serpentine servage servant serve serviceable service servile servitude session set settee setter setting settle settlement seven seventh severe sew sewer sewing sex sexual shalot shape shardf share sharp sharpen shave shaving sheaf shear shears she shed sheen sheep sheer shell Shelve sherbet shield shilling shimmer ship shirt shiver shoe shore short shorten shoulder shove show shred shrive sickle sidecar siege sigmoid signal sign signature signet significance significant signify silence silent silicosis sill simbiont simian similar simile similitude simple simpleton simplex simplicity simplify simulacrum simulate simulation Simulium simultaneous sin sincere sinew singleton singular sink sinner sinuosity sinuous sir sire sister sit site sitting situated situation six sixth skeleton sketch skiff skin skizoid skull slack slacken slave slavery sled sledge sleep slide slim slip slit slope sluice slum slump smalt smart smear smelt smock sneeze snow snowy soap soar sob sober sociable social society sociology Socrates solace solar solarium Sol solder soldier sole solemn solemnity solenoid solicit solicit solicitor solicitous solicitous solicitude solid angle solidarity solid solidity soluble solution solve solvent some somnolent sonorous sop soporific soprano sorcerer sorcery sordid sort sound soup sovereign sow space spacious span spare spark sparkle spattle speak species speculate speech speed spend spermatozoid spermatozoon spew Sphenodon sphenoid spike spin spindle spine spire spirit spiritual spit spit spittle splint splinter split spondylosis sponge Sporozoa sporozoan sport spouse sprain spray spread spring springlet sprinkle sprint sprit sprout spur spurt spy squad squadron square squash squat squatter squeeze stable stack stage stake stalk stall stampede standard stand stapes star stare stark starling start startle starve state station statue stature statute stay stead steady steep steer stellar Stellaria stem stenography stenosis stereography sterile steroid stick stiff stiffen stilk still stilt stimulate sting stipend stipple stitch stock stomach stool stop stopper store stork storm stout stove strait straiten strand strange stranger strangle stratagem strategic strategist strategy stratigraphy straw stream street stretch strew strict strictly monotonic stride string strive strong structure struggle strut stubble stud student study stuff stupefy stupendous stupid stupor sturgeon style stylish suavity subaltern subaltern sub-atomic particle suberate suber subject subject subjective subjugate subjunctive sublimate sublime subliminal subordinate suborn subrepticious subscribe subside subsidy subsidy substance substance substantive substitute substratum subterfuge subterranean subtile subtilize subtle subtle subtract subtraction suburb subvert succeed succeed success succinct succour succulent suck sudden suffer suffice sufficiency sufficient sufficient sufficiently suffix suffocate suffocate suffrage suffuse sugar sugar cane suggest suggest sukle sulphur sum summary summer summit summon summoner sun sunday sunder sundry super- superb supercilious superfluous superior superiority superlative supermarket supernova superpose superstition superstition supinate supine supplant supple supple supplement suppleness supplicate supply suppose supposition suppository suppoze suppurate suppute supremacy supreme sûre surety surface surface surfactant surgeon surgery surpass surplice surprise surprise surrealist surrogate surtout susceptible suspect suspend suspend suspense suspension suspensory sustain sustenance suzerain swart swathe sweat sweet sweeten swell swing symbiosis symbiotic symbol sympathy symphony synagogue syrup tabernacle table tablet tabloid tabor tailor -tain take talent tally talon tambourine tame tangent tangible tapestry tardiness tardy tare taste tautological tautology tautology tautomer tautomerism tavern teach team tear tear technocracy technocrat technocratic technology telegram telegraph telekinesis teleology temerarious temerity temperament temperance temper tempered tempest temple temporal temporary temporize temptation tempt tempter tenant ten tend tendency tender tenebrous tenement tennis tension tentacle tent tenth tenuity tepid tepidity term terminate termination terrace terrestrial terrible terrify territory terror terse testament test testify testimony testy Tetagrammaton tetralogy text textile texture that thatch the thematic theme then theocracy theocrat theocratic theology there thermodynamic third thirst thirty this thop thou thradsh thread three thrill throat throne throttle through throw thrum thrush thumb thunder thy thyme thyroid tick ticket tickle tide tie tile time timer timid timidity timorous tincture tinge tint tirade tirailleur tithe title toast to author to bid to breed today toe toilet token tolerate toleration tomb tomografio tongue tonsure tooth topographer topology torch torid torment torrefy torrent torsion tortuous torture total touch touchy tournament tourney tow tower trace tract traction tragedian tragedy tragical train tramp trample tranquil transact transaction transient transit transition trapezium travail tread treason treasure treasure treasurer treasury treat treatment treaty treble trefoil trefoil trellis tremble tremor trench trepidation trestle triangle triangle, binomial array triangular tribe tribulation tribune tribute trident trident trilogy trinity trip trite triturate triumph trivet trivet trivial trivial troop trophallaxis trophoneurosis trot trouble trough trow trowel truce true truffle trumpet truncate trunk truss trust trusty truth tubercle tuberculosis tuberose tueday tug tulip tumefy tumour tumult tumultuous tun tunnel turban turbid turbine turbulent turn turpitud turret turtle-dove tutelage twelve twenty two tympan ubiquitous ubiquity ulcerate ulcer ulterior ultimate ultimatum ultra- ultramarine ululate umber umbrage umbrella unanimous unanimously un- uncle unction undeniable under underframe understand undine undulant undulate undulation ungodly Unicode uniform unify union unique unison unit universal universe universe university Unix unto unveil up upon upper urban urbanity urchin urge urgence urgency urgent urine usance us use used useful usher usual usufruit usurpation usurp usury utensil utilitarian utility utilize utterance vacancy vacant vaccinate vagabond vagran vague vain vale valet valetudinarian valiant valid valley valour valourous value vane vanilla vanish vanish vanity vanquish vapid vaporous vapour variable variance variation varied variegate variegated variegated variety various varlet vary vase vassal vassality vast vault vaulting vaunt vaunter vedure veer vegetable vegetate vegetation vehicle veil vein velleity velocipede velocity velvet vend vendor venerate venereal venial venison venom vent ventilate ventricle venture veracious verb verbose verdigris verge verify verisimilar verisimilitud verity vermillion vermin verse versed version vertical very vesicle vesper vespers vessel vest vestigeinvestigate vestment vestry vesture veteran viable vibrate vicar vice vice-roy vicinity vicissitude victim victimize victoruy victuals view vigilant vigil vignette vigour vigourous villa village villager villain villainous villany vinaigrette vine vinegar vintage violate violation viol violence violent violin viper viper's bugloss virginal virgin virginity virile virtue visage viscount viscous visible vision visit vitala vitalism vitality vitalize vitamin vitaminology vitreous vitrify viva vivacious vivid vivify viviparus vivisect vivisection vivpara vocabulary vocal vocation vociferate vocoid voice void voilà volatile volatilize volcano volery volley volte voluble volume voluntary voluptuous voluptuousness volute vomit voracious voracity vowel voyage vulcanize vulgar vulgarity vulgarize wad wadding wade wager wages waggon wait wake walk wall wallow waltz want war ward warm warmth warn warp warrant warren wart wash wasp waste watch water wattle wax way weak weave weaver web wed wedding week well well welter wen wet what wheel when where which while whisk who whore why wick wicker wide widow wildlife corridor will willing wimple win wind window windy wine winnow winsome winter wipe wise wish wit with withe witherweather withy witness wolf wool wooly word wording work world worm worth wound wreak wreckage wriggle Xenarthra xerography xiphoid xylograph yard yawn yean yeanling year yellow yesterday yoke yolk young youngster youth youthful zoo zoological zoologist zoology zoology zoomorphic